Bridging the Divide Workshop

Shadow Work: A Path to Unity Beyond Political Divide


This FREE workshop focuses on bridging political divide through shadow work and self mastery.

This is a purely educational event (there won’t be interaction with others), and it doesn’t matter who you voted for. 

If you’re a human who cares about the future, and has the courage + humility to do your part in bridging the painful political divide in America, this workshop is for you.

How do we have uncomfortable conversations with the people we love as our political climate changes? How do we relate to people who have radically different views? How do we move through difficult emotions and triggers in a way that empowers us to consciously create the future?

What 👏  does it 👏  mean to 👏  embody unity?

I’ll be diving deep into these difficult questions.

Hint: It starts with you.

Unity starts with the bravery to look within ourselves, as individuals, for separation & fragmentation. The shadow contains "fragmented" parts of ourselves that we reject, and have casted away into the basement of our beings. 

Our psyche is always moving us towards wholeness, calling us to unify these parts, simply and firstly by revealing them to us in our outer realities.

Our inner fragments show up externally in the people who trigger us most - the people that we judge, fear, and criticize. When we 'other' them, we are often in the realm of the shadow. These people are our greatest teachers and highways to creating unity within so we can create it without.

**This isn’t about invalidating your very real experiences and/or concerns for the future, no matter who you voted for. This IS about taking responsibility for what you truly have control over, which is you.**

In this workshop, I will address the questions previously mentioned, discuss what shadow is, ways it surfaces post election, and how to work with it so we can *consciously* create the future from a place of personal power. I’ll also offer a self mastery practice to center ourselves in the midst of big emotion.

If you’re interested, click the button below to sign up. See you there!

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