The Full Moon in Libra

Mar 11, 2019

On March 28th 2021, we will have a full moon in the constellation of Libra. This is an invitation to evaluate yourself in relation to others. Old patterning that prevents you from relating to loved ones on a deep, profound level are no longer acceptable. It’s time to improve your relationship with yourself, in order to experience meaningful connections. This will require you to take initiative, and make the necessary changes in your life.

The sun is currently in Aries. At its best, Aries is highly motivated, driven, courageous, and leadership-oriented. It has absolutely no time for excuses, and will tell you without batting an eye. However, the sun, Chiron, and Venus sit at the same degree of this fiery sign, accentuating its wounding. The shadow side of Aries can fall into arrogance, playing the blame-game, recklessness, egoism, anger, lack of identity, and more. With Venus in the mix, she is pointing to where we question our value.

Believing yourself to be of high-value is essential in healthy relationships. Doubting one’s worth leads to choosing the wrong partners and friends. We surround ourselves with people who mirror our worthlessness, and then use their behavior as an excuse to validate this belief, over and over again. It’s time to cut cords with this toxic cycle – no more excuses, or bypassing. This is an opportunity to heal, and consciously adopt healthy beliefs about yourself and others.

Healing Chiron involves contemplating where the wounds came from. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, exudes young and passionate energy. However, when wounded, it can express itself in childish ways. When we respond to people from this place, it is our inner-child begging to be heard. Now that we are completing this lunar cycle, reflect on where you showed up with childish behavior in your relationships. Where does this behavior come from? What are the underlying needs that haven’t been met? Where did you show up with maturity, love, and understanding? How did that feel in your body? While the full moon is a great time to reflect on the past cycle, don’t forget to celebrate your accomplishments, too!

With mars conjunct the north node in Gemini, this is an opportunity to move forward and develop healthier relationships with purpose. Practice authentic communication, voicing how you feel, and directly expressing your needs/desires. Consider doing inner-child healing around the experiences that have caused wounding. Evolving can be uncomfortable, but Saturn ensures that building discipline around how you show up for yourself and others will be worth it in the long-run.

Happy Libra Full Moon, Loves!

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